You might think the first part of this paragraph is nonsense and common sense, but please finish it to understand why I wrote it in the first place. 

There will be times in life where you walk and just fell into a HOLE.

The immediate reflex towards it is usually confusion, insecurity, madness, anger. You might even blame yourself for being this accidental in the first place. 

But keep in mind that these emotions are not going to help to get you out of the hole.

To get out of that hole, the first thing you need to do is 

1. Be AWARE that you're in a hole.

If you don't know that you're in a hole, you won't even think about getting out of it.

2. You need to WANT to get out of the hole.

It doesn't matter how you are supposed to get out of the hole, but if you don't want to get out of the hole, no matter how much help you get or even if there's a ladder right beside you to climb, you won't do it. Because you don't want to leave the hole. 

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep" - Navajo Proverb 


And you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

It might be due to the fear of the unknown or the security from being protected by four walls. But as long as there's no desire to be saved, you can't be saved. No matter what. 

And after you convinced yourself that you want to get out of the hole, 

3. Think about how and get out of it. 

 With enough desire, you will get out of it and move on. You'll find your way, even when it seems impossible. 

This is symbolic of life

Every day, we face problems and we fall to them, sometimes lighter on the ground, sometimes deeper into a hole. Being mad at ourselves for making those mistakes isn't going to help. 

Acknowledge that we did a mistake and that we might be stuck. You might even be in a hole for years or generations and not realizing it. An imaginary hole in our minds. A border, a frame. You'll feel like you're stuck and suffocating, repeating the same thing over and over again, without any real progress. We can be closed-minded at times, and we have blind spots too. Finding out that we are in the holes are hard, but it's worth the pain.

If you're in a hole, no matter how hard you walk, how fast you run, you're still in the same hole. The only way out, is OUT. You need to WANT to get out of the hole, break the cycle. You might be afraid to stand up, because you might fall again, maybe harder. It can be due to something very dearly to you that you are clinging onto and you are fighting whether to let it go. Or you can be just simply wanting to be in that hole because you think you deserve to suffer from your mistakes. 

Well, darling, no one deserves to suffer, including you. No one deserves and wants to get hurt, but life is a teacher and it does that to teach you a lesson. You might fall again next time, surely, however, you'll heal faster, just like how your body needs vaccines to be stronger and fight against the real boss, the real virus. [For those anti-vax people your intelligence won't allow you to understand this.] So the next challenge you face, there's a higher chance you wouldn't fall, or even if you do, your tolerance is already higher than the last time you fell. 

I guess life indeed is a roller coaster. Without the ups and downs, you aren't alive. All we  can do is, enjoy the F ride. ;) 

A gentle reminder for self. 

Peace out with love. 


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